Anal sex and lovemaking

Some heterosexual men consider anal sex the ultimate form of lovemaking

5 min readFeb 13, 2022
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash


Midlife men (GenX, Boomer), heterosexual, looking for long term relationships. FWB or casual hookups are not part of their repertoire (to my knowledge, Tinder is not one of the apps they use).


Anal sex is a representation of the highest form of lovemaking.


Although anal sex is no longer considered (as) taboo by today’s societal standards, it wasn’t always like this. In my youth (1980s), I heard a variety of opinions about this form of sex:

  • it’s mostly homosexual men who practice this
  • it’s dangerous, dirty, painful, risky
  • some deeply religious people who do not believe in contraception might use anal sex as a form of contraception
  • kink/bdsm communities were thought to practicing anal sex as a form of alternate/increased pleasure

Society standards in the age of widespread social media

I write erotica. Through this genre, I have access to many writers who explore sexual topics in both fiction and from personal life experiences. I am aware…

